Thursday, April 26, 2007

Fall Inline Soldier, The world doesnt want you!

“Fall inline soldier, the world doesn’t want you”, Reading my title you are probably wondering what I am on about… There are people who live around us in society who hold their allegiance not to the democratic governments elected by the majority of people in society, but to ‘mainly’ minority groups or organizations who share a similar narrow ideology in by which many people see as extreme. I am referring to extremism and its globalization/infiltration within today’s social order.

Thanks/No Thanks to the internet we have seen a new phenomenon in the midst of extremisms diversion to eExtremism.
To interpret what extremism means in the
western society we ought to ask ourselves a few questions. What comes to mind when you first hear this term ‘Extremism’? You are most likely thinking it has nothing to do with you and people who are extremists are people who we perceive to be the rebellious/troublemakers in society.

What is an extremist? Who are the extremists? Why are they so extreme? Where do they come from? Gardner (1997) tells us that “Extremism is characterized by dogmatic intolerance, expressed mildly or violently, and inclines toward an inflexible obedience to an accepted authority, shaped by a common ideology or sense of group unity”.
This definition tells us these extremists are individuals or groups whose ideologies or actions circulate outside the mainstream politics of society. They are usually considered unethical and unmoral violating common standards upheld in society.

People in society classify groups or individuals whose actions or ideas don’t fit in with the norms as extremists / extremism, but the people who are taking part in these groups don’t actually think of themselves as such. They usually have a belief what they are doing is the right thing and would strongly disagree with the term as misapprehension of their intentions and goals.

“What drives extremist groups?

The following points are most common driving forces behind extremists;

Racial Purity


Political Hegemony


Anti Government (Conspiracy Theorists)”

So what are the extremist groups that are out there?

We can commonly identify with two types of extremists, hate groups and terrorists/ terrorist organizations. What is the big difference between them? They both hate and terrorize….

Hate groups are organized groups, movements or organizations, campaigning hate, aggression, or violence against people who would belong to a particular selected segment of society for example; ethnicity, race, gender or sexual orientation. They believe the people who they are targeting are harmful to society, hateful, don’t deserve to be a part of society or believe are operating a hidden faction. They usually have inaccurate, unsatisfactory evidence to support their claims that are generally rejected by society. They aim to target groups and individuals rousing other people in their motives by continually to circulating declarations, myths, stories, and rumours in order to construct fear, blame, jealousy, or racial intolerance.

Some of the type of hate groups which exist are; Anti-gay groups, Black supremacist groups, Holocaust denial groups, Militia groups, Latin American Supremacy groups, Neo-confederate groups, Neo-Nazi groups, Racist skinheads, White supremacist groups, Immigration reform groups, Jewish armed groups and others.

I recommend the following links if you like to find out more information on the activities of Hate Groups;

Terrorism is seen by most society as another form of extremism. According to “Terrorism has been described variously as both a tactic and strategy; a crime and a holy duty; a justified reaction to oppression and an inexcusable abomination. Obviously, a lot depends on whose point of view is being represented.”

| Personal Note: | Terrorism is a large Topic and I will not be going to in-depth detail in defining terrorism as according to, there have been more then one hundred definitions of the word “Terrorism” that have been used and exist. Depending on which perspective and the terrorist group you are focusing on, Terrorism can be seen as tool to engage in hate crimes or as an organisation to fight for a belief, political liberty, national sovereignty, wealth or freedom & aspersion. Either way terrorism is seen as an extreme action, association or assemblage. For more information on terrorism visit,

The internets popularity as brought with it new revelation giving Extremists organisations and groups a global territory to communicate their beliefs. The inte
rnet has allowed for extremists to communicate their messages using various mediums such as News groups, chat rooms, bulletin boards, Blogs, websites and many other forms. Using the internet they have been able to manifest the use of other media technologies to broadcast messages and information to followers and potential new comers. The internet has allowed extremists to attract new members and followers to their ideologies. Members have the ability to actively contribute via the internet where ever they are in the world. The evolvement of eExtremists has occurred.
Extremists are able to manipulate information and Media, delivering via various modes through the Internet. This includes the broadcasting of Video and Audio, manipulation of images, sharing of ideas & contribution between members, virtual meetings and initially what see forming is Virtual communities for these extremist groups. Using Security technologies available, such as secure login systems and encryption technologies, extremists are able to setup secure environments for members to collaborate without the intrusion of the unknown.

[We can only wonder what evil is being manufacturing behind closed doors]

This information that has been gathered has been taken from personal accounts from visiting the various groups that are currently active online; Take a look at the following URL and see for your self

Extremists have also utilised the internet in order to attack their perceived enemies. One common way of doing is known as Cyberstalking. tells us that “Cyberstalking is a crime in which the attacker harasses a victim using electronic communication, such as e-mail or instant messaging (IM), or messages posted to a Web site or a discussion group. A cyberstalker relies upon the anonymity afforded by the Internet to allow them to stalk their victim without being detected. Cyberstalking messages differ from ordinary spam in that a cyberstalker targets a specific victim with often threatening messages, while the spammer targets a multitude of recipients with simply annoying messages.” Extremists ganging up on internet against their enemies are just another way they able to cause harm and instability.

I would like to point out a particular group and political party within Australia who I believe their ideologies can be classified as extremism is the Australian 1st party. To briefly describe; Australia is a multicultural society with a mixture of people ethnicities, cultures, religions and beliefs from across globe living together harmoniously under an elected democratic government. Australia was originally settled by the English settlers and since opened it door wide open its doors to migrants from around the world who have contributed greatly to the evolvement into what Australia is today. Australian First Party is a small political party that policies are generally nationalist, anti-multiculturalism and anti-immigration.

If we take a look at two of “The eight core policies of the Australian First Party” listed on;

4. Reduce and Limit Immigration.
Immigration mistakes can be big long term mistakes. Immigration policy must take into account social cohesion, employment opportunities, urbanisation and environmental issues.

5. Abolish Multiculturalism. End the divisive, government funded and institutionalised policy of multiculturalism.

Just by reading these two points we can sense a bit of “white supremacies”. Just like extremists groups a lot of there actions (Example: Cronulla Race Riots which has occurred in NSW during 2005 was largely supported by Australian 1st Party; the evidence can be seen on their website.) ideologies and movements fall inline to what was previously mentioned with extremis and hate groups. They have effectively utilised the internet to form Bias propaganda information in order to generate support and spread their campaign message. What has to be asked as who are they to say who is Australian and who isn’t? Are not all people living in Australia immigrants to the country? Oh no wait the aboriginals are the natives? The country is a classified as western country and did not develop by it self over the past 200 years by it self. Australian First Party in any way you want to look at is an extreme organisation and its values do not have the support of majority Australians.

|Personal Opinion| A lot of what I have mentioned in my discussion can be debated on a number of grounds in which I am more than happy for this to occur and I have only provided a brief over view from my personal perspective. Extremism is an issue that has fluctuated across the internet but should it be stopped? I believe that everyone has the right for free speech and especially when it comes to the internet, we should have the ability to express ourselves as we see pleased. It all reaches a point; Extremists however I believe take it too far and are crossing the line in many areas. I don’t believe people should have the right to discredit and cause harm to people because of their ethnicity, race, gender or sexual orientation. Only problem we in society face is how do we control extremists and where do we draw the line? In the end of the day its majority rules! If people in society are observing these sorts of crimes against humanity, then we as society should speak up against it as one and do something about it…

Fall inline soldier, who are you following? The world doesn’t want Extremists!

Friday, April 20, 2007

Youthful Rampage

I am currently living out my youthful days within today’s society… but what does it mean by being a youth? What youth sub-culture do I belong to? When will I stop belonging and being a youth? Why does it have to end?

I can honestly tell you that I am enjoying being my self at the moment,

I don’t want to have to change, just to be accepted into current mainstream society later on in life, (not to think that I would actually have to change much). How do I know that it is going to be the right thing for me, is there a need for change? Don’t we youths have the right to rampage the way we want to, how does it affect you?

Being a youth in today’s society I witness first hand and even at times experience the different youth sub-cultures that exist. Youth cultures are apart of young people’s lives, it has to do with fashion, style, image, dance, music. Young people are associating themselves with people with ccommon interests who either come from similar social classes, gender, ethnicity or anyone or the other. Young people establish a subculture between them selves and have an understanding, they communicate with similar dialects and slang, listen to similar music genres and have there own gathering places to socialize in. Youth sub-cultures associate there actions with symbolism that is interpreted in some way by dominant culture. It is found in their music, clothing, life style and other visible affections. It can be perceived as youths being rebellious against dominate culture in society. Although to most youths it provides a sanctuary for them to express/be themselves and release from the affluence of there family, home, school and work.

Evidence of Youth sub-cultures can date back into history and “has changed dramatically over the last 20 or 30 years.”(Click to read up on Information about the youth culture in different periods)

I don’t understand the continuous criticism youths receive from the “dominate matured culture” of society. When all youth are doing is expressing who they are, their feelings and emotions. An Article published by David Kupelian, “Why today’s youth culture has gone insane” can be found at This article gives us a Bias view on youth sub-cultures in society. It presents a perception of opinions that certain people in western society hold about today’s young people and there open culture. It looks at the minorities of groups that exist. The reality is that the groups of people mentioned in the article would be looked down upon by majority youths. Today’s society youths are confronted with more of everything, then what youths 30 years ago would have been faced with. There are more choices to choose from, more commitments, pressures, and opportunities. Growing up into the world, young people are looking for ways to express themselves, take up different opportunities by being adventurous in order to be accepted by there peers. This notion of expressing emotions in various forms is understood between young people and within various groups.

- One thing to make note of is that body piercing and body tattooing was done by other cultures and societies before its uses by the youths of western society. These cultures did these practices for various reasons, but these reason in some cases are not much different to why youths apply it . To look at it at most base level, it is a form of personal expression within a group of people .

(Personally the only way I abuse my body is by drinking excessively and playing rugby union every weekend not at the same time though ;-) - this can be seen as me belonging to sub-culture.)

The internet has allowed for young people to communicate and form social groups with people globally (Building Virtual Communities). People who live in isolated areas can now communicate with people who have similar interests and share ideas with people from all parts of the world.

The following has been a briefing on youth sub-cultures; I could have gone into a lot more detail on the different dominant groups and there practices as groups, which are in society and the power of the media. This would have taken a while. The thing that needs to be understood is that no matter the group, their are good and bad things to everything.

The young people in society are only experimenting with life and are usually bright thinkers when given the chance. In most cases these young people are just growing into better people. We should always remember that and no matter how old we get in life we should never turn our backs to the youths in society; they are the people of tomorrow. Do you have any youthfulness in you? I think we all need to go on a youthful rampage once in a while no matter how old we are it helps us stay in touch with reality of what life really is! (Not so serious, Less clutter and stresses that we can get caught into with our everyday lives )

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Jammed in your Face the Cultural touch!

Have you been jammed? No I am not talking about someone throwing Jam on you. I am talking about Culture Jamming’, do you have a clue what I am talking about because soon you will! Most people in western society have experienced some form of culture jamming. Sometime we humans are too deliriously caught up in our own world to even pay attention to what we are looking at. How do you scale your self in today’s society? Do you think of your self as independent free thinker, a person who makes decisions that are not influenced solely from a single party? Do you consider all your options, scenarios, selections and conclusions before coming to a decision or a judgement? Off course you don’t and it’s not your fault! (Some of you may say “oww that not me”, but that is highly unlikely if you are currently viewing this blog it means some influences have got you hear!)

We are constantly overloaded with semiotics. Advertising imagery and political propaganda are flooded into brain constantly. Open up your eyes, have a closer look! Culture Jamming is a form of social observations. It is the new age of activism, targeting dominated Medias, culture jamming works to disrupt, disengage, block, spoof, or destroy the message. Adbusters tells us Culture jammers are a free global network made up of “artists, activists, writers, pranksters, students, educators and entrepreneurs who want to advance the new social activist movement of the information age.” With the aim “to topple existing power structures and forge a major shift in the way we will live in the 21st century.” By altering the original media published into society culture jammers goal is to get society to pause for a minute and think about they are observing. It furnishes our mind with a different viewpoint to what was initially being represented to us by corporations. It brings a sense of fresh awareness on the real issues at hand in governments and society. At times it can be seen as a bit of humor (mockery) or something we should seriously be thinking about. Some people see it as just vandalism but problem with these people is that they are caught in the corporate mix and cannot see the lighter side. Culture Jamming is a peaceful activity and with the internet's ability of global reach it has facilitated reinforcement in communicating to society.

A Recent article featured in the “Toronto Star” News Paper by “Christian Cotroneo”, “Designer signs of the times ”, “Official-looking notices trick viewer while also poking a finger in the eye of city officials”. This article presents the work of a cultural jammer, Culture Jamming the streets of Toronto Canada. An Ontario College of Art and Design student Mark Daye designed and put up signs in downtown Town Toronto subverting official signage to draw attention to the city’s homelessness crisis. The messages which have been conveyed in the signage located around the city: “Homeless sleeping: QUIET”, “Homeless warming grate. Please keep clear." "Please have change ready for the homeless." "Homelessness has nothing to do with lack of shelter."

The creator’s idea was to use official signage look and put an unofficial message in it. The signs are created out of hard plastic and aluminum, are bolted to posts at major intersections and busy hubs. Bringing the message to a “different frontier: officialdom,” simple, restrained, effective, they have been eye catching attracting the public’s attention to the issue of homelessness in the City. Unfortunately the City council of Toronto does not agree with the unapproved messages and have been removing the signs in an attempt to clean the city of any subversive signage. Even though the signs will not last long on the streets they are being commemorated online and still communicating to a global audience the message of homelessness which affects communities worldwide.

An interesting feature of Culture Jamming being in the public sphere is the viewer’s reaction to it. The Picture below shows us a response by a person of the public to Mark Daye’s series of street signs which tackle homelessness. (Is this an example of Culture Jamming being jammed?)

This picture was taken from:

I believe Culture jamming has a positive influence on our society. Culture jamming is providing us with a public service that helps enlighten our observation on what is presented to us by the BIAS of Big corporation and governments. Culture Jamming is in most cases legal, continually happening and present in the public. The question remains;

Have you been Jammed?