Friday, March 23, 2007

Welcome to My Blog Site!

Hello fellow bloggers! (assuming you blog and thats why you're here :-P ) Some how you have come across my blog and you are about to either be intrigued, interested, inspired, revolted or bored and may be wasting your time reading my blog. Either way I am sure you may be able to take something away from this. Please feel free to leave a comment of any sort; I would like to hear what you have to say…

This is my first Public Blog,

This blog will contain random topics on various issues, interests, hobbies, beliefs and anything else that will come into my head and feel the need to share with the rest of the world.

You can refer to me by my cyber name alias “LYNX”,

A little about me:
I see my self as an open minded person; I like to see both sides of the story, respect peoples opinions, beliefs and i am a critical thinker.

WARNING: My english grammer may not be the best at times, but i will work on it. :-)

That’s all you need to know for now!

So Stay Tuned!

1 comment:

Val_D said...

Hey Linx ;) congratulations on your first blog.
Good work, hey?